Auto Body and Collision Repair

Program Description

The Auto Body and Collision Repair Program is an ASE/NATEF Certified Program. Auto Body and Collision Repair program teaches students the fundamentals of re-finishing, replacing and repairing damaged auto body panels and is a NATEF, National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation and ASE, Automotive Service Excellence certified program. Students learn to properly use tools and equipment needed for each job and to develop safe working practices and habits. Instruction uses hands-on techniques and current industry technology. Foundation skills include auto body construction, welding, metal finishing, proper use of plastic fillers, plastic bumper cover repairs, priming and refinishing, basecoat and clear coat, buffing and polishing, detailing, estimating, vehicle repair, and 12 volt Electrical. Students achieve standards required in today’s collision repair industry. The foundation knowledge gained here sets students on the path for employment and for acquiring I-Car and NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) certifications, and ASE (automotive service excellence) certification can be achieved while taking the course.



Related Professions

Insurance Adjustor
Body shop Manager
Body Technician

Possible Certifications

I:CAR Qualification
ASE and State  


Baker College
Lincoln Tech
Mott Community College 
Nashville Auto
Ohio Technical College


ASE Certification Opportunities:
-Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
-Paint and Refinish
I-CAR Standard Style Welding 

Industry Representatives come in to the classroom
27 students participated in the Paintless Dent Removal demonstrations 

Classroom Business
Classroom detail business

Work-based Learning
9 students participated in Work-Based Learnin
-Students with necessary credentials are able to participate

Field Trips
The Henry Ford – Rouge Plant Tour
Auto Rama

-Regional Competition - All five students received scholarships
-State Competition - One student competed at State Competition

Community Service
Old Imlay City Police Department vehicle
-Restored and refurbished the vehicle
-Worked on it all year
-Will be used as a municipal car
-Saving Imlay City money by not having to purchase a new vehicle
-The car is dressed up and Imlay City will be proud to show the vehicle everywhere 


Teacher:Amber Scotti
 [email protected]
(810) 664-1124 ext. 4146
Paraprofessional: Ryan Hartsuck
[email protected]
(810) 664-1124 ext. 4146

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