Student Services

Mrs. Tabitha Garon
[email protected]
(810) 667-6331

Mrs. Lisa Spohn                                                        
[email protected]
(810) 667-6386

Coordinator of Transition and Career Services
Mr. Robert ODell
[email protected]
(810) 664-1124 ext. 4160

Important Information

The counselors at Ed-Tech provide a broad range of services in the areas of career, academic, and personal counseling.
Mrs. Garon is the counselor for: Agriscience and Horticulture, Careers in Education, Culinary Arts, Medical Careers, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP), Nursing Careers, Power Sports and Equipment, Welding and Machining Technology, MCAP and Pre-Engineering.

Mrs. Spohn is the counselor for: Auto Body and Collision Repair, Auto Mechanics, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Construction Trades, Cosmetology, Diesel Technology, Digital Media Arts, ITnet, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and Public Safety Careers.
Going on for further education or training? Be sure to check out this information!
Internet Resources for College Planning
Academic Counseling
Counselors work with students that are having difficulties successfully completing the academic work in their program. They will review strategies to improve learning and achievement. Referrals will be made to outside resources for tutoring or other assistance as needed.
Personal Counseling
The counseling staff is available to assist if a student is having trouble with personal issues or relationships. Crisis counseling, intervention, and short term counseling services can be provided. In addition, referrals can be made to outside agencies as needed for such issues as: substance abuse, personal/family counseling, support groups, Michigan Rehabilitation Services and emergency aid (for such things as food, clothing or shelter).
Career Counseling
Students have the option of completing an on-line Career Scope Assessment or other assessment that will help them identify an appropriate program of study. In addition, counselors can work with students to explore further education and training opportunities in their chosen career pathway.

Paid and Unpaid Work Experience

Our placement coordinator is available to assist students in arranging paid and/or unpaid work experiences with local businesses. This practical experience allows students to more easily see the direct relationship between what is being taught in the classroom, and the skills or behaviors required to achieve success in a particular industry. The work-based education program allows students to spend up to four days each week at a training site learning and practicing occupational skills.

In addition to gaining hands-on training in classroom environments that simulate industry norms, many students at the Lapeer County Ed Tech Center have the opportunity to participate in work-based education.  Through partnerships with local businesses, work-based education utilizes industry to help educate and train students.  This practical experience allows students to easily see the direct relationship between what is being taught in the classroom, and the skills or work habits required to achieve success in a particular industry.   

Once a student has been recommended for participation in co-op, he/she must complete a “Student Application Packet” provided by the work-based education coordinator.  The coordinator will then review the completed packet, and provided that the student meets all eligibility criteria, the coordinator will schedule an interview between the student and an interested employer.  Once the student is hired by the employer, the work-based education coordinator will visit the worksite to establish the student’s work schedule and complete the necessary paperwork with the employer.

Student Organizations
Many students will have the opportunity to participate in a program-related student organization. Student organizations develop citizenship, technical, leadership, and teamwork skills essential for students who are preparing for the workforce and further education. Students have the opportunity to put their skills and abilities to the test as they compete against other career and technical education students across the nation.
Students have the opportunity to earn college credits while completing their program at Lapeer County Education and Technology Center. All of our instructors have agreements with local and state colleges and universities. Some of these include: Mott Community College, Oakland Community College, Baker, St. Clair Community College, Ferris State University, and Lake Superior State University. Upon successful completion of the program and approval students can enter college with up to 9 credits that they have already earned.
Career and technical education students who attend Davenport University could enter the college with 40 credits toward a degree. The statewide articulation agreement, signed earlier this month, between the Michigan Department of Education and Davenport is the first of its kind. Although there are many regional agreements with community colleges and select four year public institutions, this agreement is unique because it is available to any student in Michigan and the credits are awarded in bachelor degree programs.

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