Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
School-wide Positive Behavior Support is a proactive approach based on a three-tiered model of prevention and intervention aimed at creating safe and effective schools. Emphasis is placed on teaching and reinforcing important social skills and data-based problem-solving to address existing behavior concerns. SWPBS is being implemented in thousands of schools across the country and has been demonstrated to reduce discipline problems and increase time for instruction.
Theresa Frakes, Behavior Specialist provides training and support to schools
[email protected] (810) 245- 3960
Positive Behavior Support Policy 2006
Michigan Board of Education
Schoolwide PBIS Implementation Guide 2010
Michigan Department of Education
Documents for PBIS teams (please email Theresa Frakes if you would like a Word Version)
Schoolwide Formal Acknowledgement System planning form
100 Free Rewards
Adult Rewards
Acknowledging Students
Start of School year Checklist
Teaching Behavior Expectations
Behavior Expectations Matrix