Great Start Collaborative (GSC)
The Great Start Collaborative (GSC) is a unique mixture of dedicated individuals working to improve early childhood systems in Lapeer County. Members include parents, service agencies, schools, churches, nonprofit organizations, the hospital, childcare providers, and many more.
We know that each year too many children enter kindergarten with previously unidentified health, social-emotional, or learning problems. Parents of young children, across our county, lack easy access to information and resources in their communities that can help them in their role as their child’s first and most important teachers.
Research studies have demonstrated that investment in the first five years of life pays high dividends both to the public and to the individual. In fact, for each dollar spent before age five, there is a $7.00 - $17.00 rate of return that is realized through increased success in high school, higher earning employment opportunities, and a decreased likelihood of incarceration.
If you would like to know more about the work of the GSC or become involved, contact Elizabeth Hampton, GSC Coordinator, at 810-538-3707 or email at:[email protected].
Great Start Family Coalition (GSFC)
Parents are busy people, so let us tell you quickly:
The Great Start Family Coalition (GSFC) is a group of parents who care about young children and their community. We welcome parents, foster parents, grandparents raising their grandchildren, and anyone who is looking to connect with others and help bring about positive changes for families with young children.
You can participate at your comfort level, in one or more ways, such as:
- Like and Follow the Great Start Facebook page
- Sign up to receive emails, including a monthly calendar of local events
- Share information with friends and families
- Attend a meeting to meet others in the group
- Meet other parents who care about children and want to help others
There is no fundraising, no dues, no requirement to attend meetings. We want to help parents with young children know their voice has a place to be heard. Want to learn more? Call the Great Start Family Liaison, Anita, at 810-245-3994, or email her at [email protected] she would love to talk with you.
Connect with us on Facebook
These materials are funded through a grant provided by
the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.