Special Education

Image of aide handing boy a CDImage of people in a circle holding handsGroup professional dress picture.Students being helped get off a busPhotos of a boyClose up of a boypbis classroom

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2006

    State and federal laws say that all children with disabilities have a right to a free and appropriate education (FAPE). Special education includes classroom programs and other types of services that are designed especially for children with various types of disabilities. In Michigan, special education services shall be provided to eligible students from BIRTH through age 25, or until graduation from high school.

    Child Find

    LCISD Special Education Plan  

    Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) revised 7.19.22

    LCISD Special Education Procedures and Guidance Manual "Best Resource Ever" 

    Request for Records

    Please send any request for records for students that attended the LCISD Center Program to:  Fax:  (810) 724-7600


    procedural safeguards

    LCISD Special Education Parent Handbook and Procedural Safeguards
    Special Education provides additional services, support, programs, specialized placement or environments to ensure that all eligible students' educational needs are being met. Removing barriers to learning, while employing best practices in a school wide setting is the key to high  achievement and successful school and post school outcomes for all students with special needs or different learning styles. Each student achieving to their personal potential towards independence and employability in the least restrictive environment is the goal of special education.

Michelle Proulx
Lapeer County ISD
Director of Special Education
(8 10) 245-3961 phone
(810) 277-3038 fax
[email protected]

Hollie Wagner
Lapeer County ISD
Special Education Secretary
Medicaid/Homebound Coordinator
(8 10) 245-3962 phone
(810) 277-3038 fax
hwagner @lapeerisd.org

Casey Rich
Lapeer County ISD
Coordinator of Special Education - Center Program
(8 10) 667-6777 phone
[email protected]

Diane Rusnell 

Lapeer County ISD
Special Education Sec retary - Center Program
(810) 667- 6 166 ph one
[email protected]

Shawnna Calopisis-
Almont, Dryden, Imlay City Schools
Coordinator of Special Education
(810) 724-9889
[email protected]

Jennifer English - CEC

Almont, Dryden , Imlay City
Special Education Secretary
(810) 724-9890
j [email protected]

Jennifer Tindall

Lapeer Community Schools
Director of Special Education
(810 ) 5 38-1630 phone
[email protected]

Nicole Patridge 

Lapeer Community Schools
Special Education Secretary
(810) 538-1627 phone
[email protected]

Lori Wierbicki 

North Branch Area Schools
Special Ed Supervisor
(8 10) 688-9324 phone

Melissa Willer 

North Branch Area Schools
Special Education Secretary
(810) 688-3570 phone
[email protected]

Theresa Frakes
Compliance Monitor / Behavior Specialist
( 810) 245-3960
[email protected]

L ynn Borck
Chat field School
Special Education Secretary
(810) 667-8970 Ext 201
[email protected]
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